Thursday, September 4, 2008


Wayne, Brent and I took part in Scott Kelby's Photowalk.  It was held in hundreds of cities around the world, each city limited to a group of 50 people.  So 50 of us met in Aotea Square in Auckland, and then for two hours we followed a set route and got as many good photos as we could.  It rained for part, but that made for some interesting shots!  It was a great way to see the city.


Heidi said...

These photos are amazing! I love pictures in the rain. Oh, and that first one of you two is AWESOME... You should blow it up!

Glass House said...

That is awesome! I love looking at these photos!

Glass House said...

I have changed my Glass House blog address to : , I still have the Glass House Renovations Blog:

I am eventually getting rid of the janica217 address! Take note!

Glass House said...

Happy Valentine's day!